About The Airport
ADA Info

Where is accessible parking located?
There are accessible parking spaces located in all automobile parking lots.
Are there shuttles from the parking lot and are they accessible?
The airport provides a shuttle bus, complete with wheelchair lift, from the Park & Walk lot as well as from the Economy lot. If needed, the bus driver is able to assist passengers with their luggage.
Does the airport have sky caps who can assist people with disabilities?
At this time, the airport does not use Skycaps. However, if assistance is needed, please inform a ticket counter crew member.
Are all the bathrooms accessible?
All restrooms at HVN are accessible.
If there are videos in the airport, are they closed captioned?
All videos that may be displayed on airport screens are closed captioned.
How do people with physical disabilities gain access to the plane?
Certain gates at HVN facilitate passenger boarding by use of a jet bridge. Gates that do not utilize a jet bridge are boarded by ground level boarding ramps.
How do people get assistance with getting luggage off the carousel?
There is a Baggage Crewmember located next to the carousel to assist with baggage inquiries. This Crewmember will also assist in removing baggage from the carousel if needed.
Is there a designated airport person who can address accessibility questions/issues for travelers with disabilities?
Avelo’s Customer Service Crewmember can assist with questions for travelers with disabilities. Avelo’s Customer Service Crewmembers are trained to be able to provide thorough information to all passengers.
What information should a passenger know before coming to the airport? How can I check with the airline about transporting wheelchairs and other mobility devices?
Please visit Avelo’s website for more information.
Where can I find additional information?
Please visit the links below for more ADA information, including local resources.
Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights
ADA Airport Information Poster
ADA Coordinator for Tweed New Haven Airport
Malena Zanjani
(203) 824-9020
Email: mzanjani@flytweed.com