2024 Annual Community Update

Tracking the Issues

Thank you to every neighbor who came out. Below is a list of issues we noted during the meeting, our responses, and updates. To get alerts on updates to the issues, click here to sign up for the neighbhood email news alerts.

Timestamp Comment Response Update
11:37 Noise mitigation is a moot point
16:00 50′ over the house Will do a study to measure approach
19:20 Will you put noise meters around the airport. What are peaks. Are they within stage 3 noise levels. Will buy portable noise meters, two or three, sign up sheet.
22:45 No women on the panel. Cut tops off trees. Why did you cut them?If you don’t fly thta low, why do you need to cut trees
24:00:00 Not complying w City of New Haven noise ordinance. No chance at a 10% glide, because a laser is used to measure. Elicker, model of the airplane, if the model is classified as below the noise thresh
29:00:00 Would like a noise meter in front of her house. Will sign her up. MQ will look into plane idling, and early starts before 0630. Promises to not start engines before 06:30.
32:39:00 FAA standards are not good enough, we need to do better than minimums. Need guidelines better than minimums. We agree to exceed FAA minimums, but we cannot regulate the kind of aircraft or aircraft based on noise.
35:30:00 A new noise ordinance. Why don’t planes stop at 10? Tom: the city transferred sponsorship to authority. New ANKA set of regulations.
41:30:00 Do you know the number of houses that get more noise than the certified noise levels?
45:00:00 Is it true that Tweed airport was chosen because of its proximity to the freeways to allow for cargo? Cargo is not an option. It doesn’t fit. It would require tearing down existing buildings, an EIS, and building certifications from New Haven.
46:00:00 Is it a done deal? There’s a long process and we’re taking every step.
Why did you choose this airport? Second most underserved market in the country.
50:23:00 Ft Hale Rd resident. Traffic at night. Complete gridlock. Horns. Fumes. Suggests a one-way. One ways increase speed. Will look at it. Putting heads together to come up w next steps at end of mtg. TTP working on a traffic study scope (including speed); TTP will coordinate with Eng on a prescoping meeting asap re: data collection and analysis; once complete will work with Eng to propose alternatives
58:05:00 Can we have a voluntary agreement? Post voluntary agreement
1:03:00 Planes causing cracks. A study was started. Never finished. Need to post study online. Committed to starting a list.
1:10:00 Traffic study said “no more than 80 cars per day.” Will post original study.
1:14:00 Put in a rotary. Dump water into storm drains that affect  neighbors. Drains into Tuttle Creek.
1:19:24 Dr Huda suggested HEPA filters. Can we get HEPA filters? We will look into how to finance it.
1:22:30 Shultz Curve. What is the status on updating the formula? Is New Haven advocating for that change?
1:24:00 Fuel truck drivers, substitute drivers, driving too fast. Will you work w East Haven. Will work w East Haven to install speed monitoring. MJ to follow up w fuel provider.
1:27:00 Can we control provate planes from turning too soon> Will set up a mtg w ATC on July 9.
Rolling stops of fuel truck.
1:31:00 What are the economic benefits 300 jobs, no longer subsidizing $1MM
1:34:00 Car idling, pollution, and garbage Will look into it. Avports will get flight schedules to TTP and they can work to have mobile units available at arrival/departure times
1:39:00 At what point does the airport reach capacity, resulting in shutting down the airport?
1:42:00 Car idling should be handled by airport personnel
DO you have a plan for more fuel storage. Robinson is moving fw w another fuel storage plan.
Additional airport traffic on Thompson. Do you have a regular shuttle bus? Parking shuttle is for full parking days. City is looking to start micro-transit shuttle? Avports provided a detailed map to Robinson Aviation and their suppliers to avoid commercial traffic on Thompson. Follow up notices were sent to mitigate disruption from delivery vehicles.
1:46:00 Albany has an award winning de-icing facility. Has Tweed applied for a grant? Jeremy agreed to reach out to Albany.
1:49:00 What about Uber? Uber hasn’t agreed to terms, after a year of negotiations.
1:52:00 Suggests permenant noise cameras for real time observation. EPA is offering 20MM in climate change grants. Offered to follow up w Laura to understand the grants.